Email Reports, Agency Pilot and WP-CLI Added To Property Import Add On

20th June 2018

The latest version of our Property Import add on has just been released and contains a few neat features, plus support for a new format. In this post we explain all of this new functionality.


New ‘Email Reports’ Feature

One of the main advantages to using our Property Import add on is that the imports all run automatically. We know how important it is that these imports run so, to put your mind at ease, we’ve introduced email reports.

Using this new feature you can choose that an email gets sent to a specified email address each time an import completes. The email will contain the full log of what exactly went on during the import, and will alert you to any problems which might’ve occurred.


Now Import Properties From Agency Pilot

If you’re a commercial estate agent that uses Agency Pilot to manage your properties, you can now automatically import them into your WordPress site. This is the 16th format that we now support and setting it up is as easy as all the rest.

Agency Pilot WordPress Import Settings

Simple Select Agency Pilot as the format, enter the URL and password they provide you with, and away you go.


New Notice On Property Record

When viewing a property in WordPress that was imported automatically, we now show a notice alerting you to this, as well as details of the import.


Introducing WP-CLI Support

For the more advanced WordPress users out there we’ve added support for WP-CLI so you can run imports from the command line, either manually or as part of a cron job, like so:

[code]wp import-properties[/code]

If you already have the import add on installed, if you have a license key you can update to this latest version through WordPress right away to benefit from these new features.

The Property Import add on continues to be our most popular add on and we really enjoy adding new functionality to it. We have a few new formats in the pipeline as well as lots more new features so can’t wait to announce these soon.


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