We take pride in our code and put in extensive effort to create bug-free software through rigorous testing. Whenever possible, we trial new features on live websites before releasing them to the public. However, despite our best efforts, bugs can still surface in software.
Bugs that we discover or that are reported by our users are our top priority. We commit to resolving them as quickly as possible, typically releasing a fix within a few business days, depending on complexity.
If you happen to come across a bug, there are several ways to address it:
Get in touch with us and report it as an issue.
Fix it yourself and submit a pull request via our GitHub page.
When reporting bugs, please provide as much detail as possible on how to recreate the issue, including screenshots and any information that might expedite the resolution. Vague descriptions like “It’s broken” or “It doesn’t work” don’t help us or anyone else.
We do not provide support for:
General WordPress functionalities (e.g., creating child themes, fixing file permissions). We recommend using the WordPress.org support forums for these topics.
Third-party plugins or themes – Please contact the respective developer. If you’re unsure, we’ll try to help identify them.
Sites hosted on WordPress.com – This is due to platform limitations that restrict our ability to assist with imports and exports.
Themes that include built-in property functionality – These often conflict with Property Hive, leading to compatibility issues.
License violations – If you’re found using a purchased add-on on multiple sites under a single license, support will not be provided.
Server configurations for add-ons – Certain add-ons require specific hosting environments. While we offer guidance, we are not responsible for server-related issues.
Breakages from updates – While we aim for seamless updates, compatibility issues can sometimes arise. We strongly recommend backing up your site before updating, as we are not responsible for lost functionality due to missing backups.
You can access support via one of the following methods:
Email: info@wp-property-hive.com
WordPress Support Forum: For core plugin-related issues (excluding Pro features)
GitHub Issue Tracking: For bug reports and contributions
*Please note that we do not offer phone support.
For users with a valid license key – We aim to respond within 1-2 business days (Monday to Friday, 9 AM – 5 PM GMT).
For users without a license key – We offer support subject to availability but cannot guarantee response times. Priority is given to licensed users.
Business days are defined as Monday to Friday, excluding UK public holidays.
This Support Policy was last updated on 30.01.2025. We reserve the right to update this policy to reflect changes in our practices or legal requirements. Please check back periodically for updates.