Introducing Our New Search Form Builder

16th January 2017

We get a lot of questions through our support desk on a weekly basis. By far the most common topic that we see again and again is around how to edit the property search forms; both the one that comes with Property Hive by default, and any additional forms that might be required. As a result we introduce to you our new search form editor.

Whether it’s adding new fields, changing the field order, or maybe changing the values in the dropdowns, previously you could only do this by using the in-built WordPress hooks and adding some code to your theme’s functions.php file. For people with no, or limited, PHP experience this was a tall ask and often caused a few headaches.

With this latest addition to our free Template Assistant Add On there’s now no need to write any bespoke PHP code to make the changes as we’ve now introduced an easy-to-use interface where you can simply drag-and-drop the fields you want to use, as well as reorder them, in seconds.

Let’s take a look at a few of the key features:


Manage Multiple Search Forms

You’ll have the ability to edit the default form that comes with Property Hive, as well as add any custom forms you might need.

Property Search Forms

You can then simply take the shortcode shown and place it where you want the form to be shown.


Select and Reorder Which Fields Are Shown

All of the fields are shown and are split into two sections: ‘Active’ and ‘Inactive’. You can drag and drop fields between the two sections and reorder the fields.

Property Search Form Fields


Configure Individual Fields

Upon clicking a field you’ll be presented with a number of options depending on the field clicked. You’ll be able to choose the label, and for dropdowns such as minimum price, amend the options shown.

Edit Property Search Form Field

With this addition we hope that more people will be able to manage the forms shown on their estate agency websites. For WordPress developers, this would even allow their clients to amend the forms, change options etc.

We’ve already got plans on how to improve this add on further to give you more control through WordPress admin interface so watch this space. In the meantime we would love to hear how you got on with this feature should you choose to use it.


Download Template Assistant Add On


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