We’ve just added some new transport list shortcodes to our Locrating add on.
What is Locrating?
If you’re not already familiar with Locrating, here’s the low down…
Locrating is a third party plugin that integrates with Property Hive through use of our Locrating Add On. You’ll need a subscription with Locrating to access the functionality and in our opinion it’s well worth considering.
Having a subscription to Locrating allows you to display information about local schools, transport and amenities on your property listings. Given how important these factors can be to prospective buyers, it’s useful to give them this insight and secure their engagement with a property.
The new Transport List Shortcodes:
The new shortcodes within the Property Hive Locrating Add On allow you to list local transport links into a vertical or horizontal list on a property listing.
To make use of these new shortcodes, simply drop the following shortcodes into your template where you want them to appear: