Version 1.1.10 Released – Editor Access, Property Filters and More

3rd August 2016

It’s been a couple of weeks since our last update but today we’re pleased to announce that version 1.1.10 has just been released.

Let’s take a look at some of the features in this release:


Editors Given Access

Previously Property Hive was only available to users with ‘Administrator’ privileges. This release sees users with ‘Editor’ role access now able to view and edit everything Property Hive related.

Editors will be able to manage all properties, contacts and enquiries. The only thing that editors are not permitted access to is the ‘Settings’ section of Property Hive.


New Property Filters


We’ve added two new filters to the property list in WordPress to make it easier to find certain properties. You can now search by location and availability.


Revised Settings

We’ve made a couple of changes to the ‘Settings’ area within Property Hive. The ‘General’ settings have been split out into three sections, and we’ve added a new setting for you to enter your ‘Google Map API Key’ should you have one. We display a map and will use the key when adding and editing properties, as well as if you’re using our Map Search add on.

Although one of the smaller updates, we hope you enjoy these new features. We’ve got a huge update coming in the next couple of weeks so watch this space…

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