Property Import Add On Update (v.1.0.2)

17th January 2016

This weekend we updated our Property Import add on to version 1.0.2. This update contains significant enhancements to what was available in the first version and opens us up to more opportunities regarding the types of files that we can import on your behalf.

Below we’ve included the two major changes that have been made:

Support for Automatic Imports

Previously the add on only supported the manual upload of a single BLM file. This was great for one-off’s when you wanted to import a large set of properties in one go, but wasn’t so good if you wanted to regularly receive properties from a third party. You can still choose the manual route, however the automatic option is now available, along with various options to customise the import, such as how frequently the import should run and more.

On top of this, it is also possible to have multiple automatic imports running at any one time. If you were to import your sales properties from one third party, and your lettings properties from another, this add on meets that requirement perfectly.

New Format Supported: ExpertAgent XML

If you use ExpertAgent as your main software provider you can now automatically import your properties from them within PropertyHive. Setting this up is easy using the step-by-step wizard provided meaning in just a few clicks your properties can be automatically sycned between the two.

What’s Next For This Add On

Currently only the ExpertAgent format is supported if you choose to go down the automatic route listed above. We’ll be adding support for automatic BLM feeds in the next few days so watch this space for that. After that we’ll just be looking to add as many formats as possible, with Jupix and Vebra being the next on our list.

If there’s a format you would like to import using this add on, simply get in touch to let us know and we’ll consider adding it to a future release.


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