Our New Location Autocomplete Add On Provides Faster, More Accurate Search

16th June 2020

With property search being a core component of any estate agency website, we’re always looking to provide the tools needed to make this as quick and easy for your users as possible.

That’s why we’re pleased to announce our new Location Autocomplete add on. Using this new add on you can suggest locations to users as they type, making it faster to search by area or postcode, and less prone to typos.


Where does the autocomplete data come from?

We’re glad you asked. The answer is, you choose. From within the settings area of the add on, you’ll have the option to choose from one of three data sources:

Location Autocomplete Settings

Use Existing Property Address Data
We’ll go through all the properties you have in WordPress and collate a unique list of street names, towns etc. This list is updated automatically on a regular basis and is cached for improved performance.

Google Places
We’ll use the Google Places API to return and recommend place names based on the search term entered.

Manually Manage Locations
With this option selected you’ll have the ability to manually enter each suggestion that should be available when someone starts typing.

To add the Location Autocomplete add on to your WordPress estate agency website you can read more and purchase the add on by visiting the add on page below:

View Location Autocomplete add on

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