Add On Update: Version 1.0.8 of BLM Export Released

7th July 2016

The BLM Export add on for Property Hive is one of the most popular purchases amongst our users and is the perfect solution for sending properties from WordPress to third parties such as property portals like Zoopla and OnTheMarket.

Since the add on was released 7 months it’s had eight releases in total. These have generally been quite small and contained just a couple of small bug fixes. This latest version however doesn’t contain any bug fixes, but instead includes new and extra functionality. This is a great position to be in for us as it means hopefully we’ve ironed out any issues and can now focus on making the add on more useful and informative for our users.

So let’s look at what’s been included in this release:

Active Properties

On the main add on screen we now display the number of properties that are actively selected to go to each portal.

New Tools

We’ve added a new ‘Tools‘ section where we’ll start to place useful utilities. The first two tools we’ve created are for batch-activating and deactivating properties from the selected portal. This is ideal for when you want to start sending properties to a new portal as you now no longer have to manually go through each property.

View The BLM File

We’ve added a new button allowing you to view the BLM that will be sent to the portal, even if the portal is turned off or in ‘Test Mode’. This is useful when you are wanting to start sending properties to a new portal as it’s likely they’ll sometimes require you to send them a copy of the BLM for verification before actually sending the real data across.


If you’re an existing user of Property Hive and this BLM Export add on, updating is easy. Simply navigate to ‘Plugins‘ within WordPress and you’ll have the ability to update to the latest version there.

For new users, or if you just want to find out more about how our BLM Export add on works, you can find more information by clicking here.

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