How to Add Google Analytics To Your Estate Agency WordPress Website

26th November 2019

Using Analytics is a very important part of running your own website. It can help you to see what is working, what needs improvement and how efficient your website is for it’s visitors.

Why Use Google analytics?
Google analytics helps you to get to know your audience. It’s a piece of JavaScript code which helps you to analyse what your audience is doing on your website and how they’re using it. It then compiles this data into graphs and statistics for you to use to help improve your website as necessary.

It shows a number of useful facts such as:

Who is visiting your site: This shows where your visitors are from geographically, and what devices they are using. For example if you can see lots of people are using mobile devices, it’s a good idea to make sure your website is optimised for mobile, and the same with IOS (Apple) or whether its through Android devices.

What people are doing on your site: This shows which pages people are looking at the most, how long they’re spending on the website and the bounce rate. (People who leave the site after one page.)

When people are visiting your site: Find out when the traffic on your website is the highest, by the hour, day, week or month.

How people are finding your website: Google analytics shows how people come to find your website, whether its through search engines, Social media, or links from other websites.

How people interact with your website: You can find out the links they click and what pages they interact with the most. This can be useful when you’re goal setting.

All of  this information is absolutely invaluable when it comes to helping you to improve your website and marketing strategies.

It allows you to make decisions based on:

  • What’s working well and not so well, allowing you to invest time and money into resources that are making a positive impact.
  • It also tells you a lot about which pages on the site need improvement to boost interaction. From the behaviour analysis, you can see what pages are being used and which ones are clicked off. The ones which are not being used to maximum effectiveness need some TLC. Perhaps think about the content of the page, or the layout. Which layout works best for the user and gives them the information they need?
  • Analytics are really useful when tracking marketing campaigns. It essentially removes any guess work involved and keeps things straight to the point so you can see exactly what is and isn’t working, saving you precious time.

As an estate agent, this information can help you decide on things like where to target adverts both geographically and online. It can also help with seeing what your clients are most interested in on your website, so you can optimise the pages which are most popular, and consider editing the pages which aren’t. If you have been collecting data over a long period of time, you can see when in the month, or year, people are mostly looking to buy, or to rent, helping you pre plan your marketing campaigns.

Installing Analytics

Google has just released its Site Kit WordPress plugin out of Beta after 6 months which is really good news for anyone with a WordPress website. It allows you to access data from google products such as: Google Analytics, Google console, Adsense and Pagespeed insights straight to your WordPress dashboard.

To install and use this plugin requires no knowledge of coding or any developer experience. It’s incredibly useful for business’ who work with clients because multiple team members can access the data from the WordPress dashboard; allowing you to set roles and permissions so only relevant people can see the data.

To get started using Site Kit, just download the plugin to your WordPress dashboard, and you’re ready to go.

For more information on Site Kit, follow this link:


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