Warning: Playing with Our Property CRM Could be the First Step in Saving You £1,000’s!

10th September 2024

Have you ever wanted to test property software to see what it actually looks like beyond the fancy marketing screenshots? But instead you’re forced to register your details and speak to a sales person first?

We hear you.

Get instant access to your very own CRM playground

That’s why we think you’ll love our new ‘Have a Play‘ feature which gives you access to your very own CRM playground area. No registration, no signups, and instant access to our property software where you are free to do with what you will.

Go on, give it a go below. We’ll wait:

Have a play

How does it work?

It’s really quite simple. We’ll set you up with a clean installation of WordPress with Property Hive installed, configured and ready to go. We’ll also fill it with some sample test data so you can see how it might look with real data.

CRM Playground

This playground area is all yours for 24 hours at which point it will self-destruct, so don’t start migrating your data into it just yet.

What makes the Property Hive estate agency CRM different?

There are lots of things that make us drastically different from other property software on the market. Here’s just a few:

Cost – A CRM without the hefty price tag
What if I told you that you could get our basic CRM for free? Every single industry seems to have a free or open-source solution available, so why should estate agency CRMs be any different. Our basic CRM is totally free, with a PRO version available for just £299 per year (exc. VAT) that contains advanced functionality and support included.

Our pricing is also for the CRM as a whole. No per-user of per-office charges here.

Hosting – Your CRM, your control
Property Hive is a plugin built on WordPress, a CMS hosting 43% of the world websites (Yes, you read that right. Nearly half of all website’s on the web use WordPress). This means that you host it yourself which in turn gives you total control over your precious data.

Open-source and developer friendly
Ever suggested a feature to your CRM and had to wait months, or it just wasn’t done at all? With Property Hive our aim from day one was to make it extendable by anyone. With our core free plugin being open source and it having 1,000’s of hooks available, developers can easily add custom features and extend its functionality. This gives you the freedom to make your CRM work exactly how you need it to, without waiting for someone else’s roadmap.

Visit our CRM page for a full list of everything that makes our CRM different.

I would like more information

So you like what you see? If you’re ready to delve deeper and explore all of the features, pricing, and benefits of our estate agency CRM, head over to our CRM page for everything you need to know:

Read more about our cost-effective CRM

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