When businesses started selling online there was a massive disconnect between what the buying public was used to – the face-to-face experience as opposed to what a business website had to offer – which was then considered an easy digital front for just about anyone to hide behind. And though trust in the digital environment has grown steadily over the years, with technology’s greater involvement in every aspect of our lives, it can still be a barrier to your website’s ability to win new customers if you don’t follow certain fundamental guidelines.
Show your credibility
Be explicit, tell your visitors why they should trust you. This should be woven into your taglines, your banner headers, your Home page bullets and your About Us page. If you are a member of a professional body or an association then tell them, include the logo on your Home and About Us pages. If you offer any guarantees then present them clearly and proudly, because they offer confidence. If you’ve worked with some well-known clients highlight who they are, what you did for them, and what they thought of you, and show off your depth of experience and expertise. Essentially, answer any worries that potential customers or suppliers may have about buying from you or working with you.
Offer social proof
People buy from people, so they say. Today it’s more like people buy from people who other people have confirmed confidence in. Testimonials, case studies/customer stories, social media followings, alongside trust certifications from third party sites, all help to build visitor confidence in you. If others have shared their experiences, rated your business, and taken the time to write to say how good you are, then you are more likely to be trusted and bought from.
Content quality
What you write on your website needs to reflect your expertise and the level of knowledge your audience would hope from you. First impressions matter, and the imagery and content on your website may be the only impression a potential customer may have of you from which to form a judgement. Is your content confused and confusing, making a visitor think that dealing with you might be less than straightforward. Is it sloppy and slapdash in its spelling and grammar, making your visitor think you don’t care very much for detail. Does it run off in distracted directions, is it verbose, do you sound arrogant/conceited/ill-informed? If you are not able to translate your knowledge into the written word, then use a copywriter. Their role is to convert your understanding of your market into a message that will resonate with your audience.
The human touch
Words work well to a point, but a good website combines the approachability and personality of its content with a simple selection of ways to speak to a human. Live chat, callback buttons, phone numbers, an invitation to your bricks and mortar offices if possible. Nothing builds confidence in a business better than offering the human touch.
In an age when everyone seems to be a digital expert, it is often forgotten that customer confidence building online still requires a strategic approach. And without a considered and coordinated brand message conveyed through the quality of your web presence, the credibility of your business could suffer and the trust you have tried hard to build could fade. Don’t let this happen. Get the right professional help to ensure that your customers’ trust in you in unshakeable.