Here at Property Hive, we know how important the Property Import Add On is to your daily operations. That’s why, every quarter, we take the time to round up all of the updates and enhancements we’ve made to it and compile them into one list.
This quarter has seen more updates to the add on as a whole than ever with the addition of our troubleshooting wizard, improvements to speed and a new import table UI. We wrote about these in a previous post so head over there to read about these in more detail.
So without further ado, here’s everything that’s new in the world of the Property Import Add On for Q4 2024!
- New splash screen shown when no imports exist
- New Troubleshooting Wizard tool
- Main imports table UI refactored
- Logs UI updated to now be in tables with better structured data
- Alert system introduced to main imports table whereby it will flag any missing statuses, critical errors, and more
- When adding an import allow searching by format
- When adding an import there is now a new ‘Test Details‘ button allowing you to check details are valid before continuing
- When adding an import there is now a direct link to the CRM-specific docs
- Extend media cron to not run if anything has happened in 10 minutes
- New filter to disable the setting of ‘Featured’ on properties based on data in CRM. Useful for having manual control over which properties are featured
- New filter to specify whether properties get put on market by default
- New WordPress actions fired when an import is started, paused and deleted
- Database optimisations, adding indexes to logs tables. Note that any existing logs will be removed to allow us to do this safely
- Output CRM ID in main list of properties and allow for searching by this
- Improved auto-mapping of custom fields, now taking into account different case and spaces
- Improved mapping screen table heading labels and added link to customise them in the settings area
- Hyperlinked various text in tooltips
- Ensure the entire message is logged when a fatal error occurs instead of just the first 255 characters
- Added basic wp-env setup for development
- Declared support for WordPress version 6.7.1
- Added statuses as a setting so you can now select properties with which statuses are imported
- Don’t try and import EPC if a website URL has been provided instead of a URL to a file
- Import deposit amount
- Ensure Book Viewing Elementor widget works when used with the WpResidence theme
- Import ground rent, service charge and lease remaining
- Import sale by, qualifier and tenure for commercial properties
- Updated property type default values
- Added parking and outside space mapping
- Added cafe and restaurant to list of commercial types
- Added support for importing material information parts B&C
- Corrections to material information in imports
Reapit Foundations
- Added statuses as a setting so you can now select properties with which statuses are imported
- Ensure media modified date is in correct format to fix processing of media in background queue
- Import utilities material information
- Catered for ‘commercialEpc‘ as photo type
- Add filters to Kato XML units table so columns/data can be customised
- Only include fitted info in description if fitted field is true
- Catered for images sent with a watermark
- Paginate Rezi imports to support more than 999 properties
- Better errors logged when Rezi JSON response is valid but empty
- Added commercial support to XML format
- Correction when importing images
That’s a wrap for our Q4 2024 Property Import updates. To learn more about our Property Import Add On and how you can automate the importing of your property listings, you can find out more on our website.
If you have a Pro subscription or legacy license key you can benefit from the above updates by updating to the latest version (2.1.5) through WordPress right away.
If you’re completely new to Property Hive, download the core plugin to get started. You can then access the Property Import Add On as part of the Import Only Pro package or as part of the All Features package.